Take all the time you need with these hot and very sexy panties. She wants you to savor the moment because for her the ultimate pleasure is knowing just how worked up she gets you. I wonder what you would do if you had a few minutes alone with her and those panties, I bet you would make those minutes count.
Looking at all the Tube Safari videos with panties in them really gets my cock to stand up. It wants to go all out but I want to enjoy the moment for as long as I am able to. Once you get what you need you have a better shot of getting it all.
Putting yourself to the test starts from the moment she bends over in those tight panties. She knows exactly how this makes you feel and it is exactly how she wants it. Just bury your cock deep inside those willing panties and don’t come up for a breath. You make this moment your own and you’re going to be a man who takes it all. See what other desires might be available to you and make sure you give those panties the biggest cumshot of all!