In the sex doll market, according to the different materials used in sex dolls can be divided into TPE dolls and silicone dolls. Different series of dolls of course have different characteristics. If you choose the wrong one, it is a very bad thing. No matter best deals sex doll or chubby fat TPE sex doll. Only the doll that suits you is a good doll. The next uxdoll shop to give you an introduction.

TPE doll advantages

TPE material is softer than silicone, pull up performance, more restore the feeling of real people.

The price is cheap than silicone, TPE raw materials are cheap, so the price is naturally much cheaper than the silicone, for example the special sale sex doll from uxdoll was vary from USD 699 to USD999.


TPE doll’s head sculpture in detail and expression is not as good as silicone doll head, not as good-looking as silicone doll head.

Most manufacturers produce TPE dolls have a certain odor. Of course there are exceptions, such as launched premium TPE sex doll without any odor.

Advantages of silicone dolls

The paint looks good, is more delicate than TPE and has no smell.


Silicone dolls are too hard for buyers with sexual needs. Silicone dolls can not make any mistakes when making dolls, otherwise, the raw materials are all scrapped, so the price of silicone dolls are very high.


Sex dolls are a gradually developing industry, TPE dolls should never buy a cheap chapter, and do not buy from a small workshop. You can choose some well-known brands such as,, etc.